Monday, July 5, 2010

Weekend Two..and more

Elevation Profile of the 10K road Jared and I ran from QERC (where we're living) to the PanAm highway...3500 vertical feet in 6 miles...boyah!

View from the summit of Cerro de la Muerte (Mountain of Death...appropriately named...11,500ft)...we hiked all the way down to the lowest valley you can see, then back up...very tiring!

Two friends we met that stayed in the valley for the weekend...Joel and Emily. This was downstream on the Savegre, just above a huge (100ft) waterfall...unfortunately, too much mist off the falls for a good photo


1 comment:

  1. dude caleb!!!! Looks so awesome! That must have taken you forever to climb down that slope, and back up? Man you have to take me to these places sometime. Looks like you are having a blast! Keep taking these pictures!
